Benefits for you and your family
For a small monthly or annual fee, Global Medevac offers the most benefits at a lower cost than any other emergency transport company. Each benefit is provided with the kind of professional and compassionate service you deserve.
To us, you're family
Global Medevac offers more for less than other businesses in the industry!
Here is a list of the vital services Global Medevac will provide:
Most companies only cover you when you are traveling— Global Medevac covers you all of the time 24/7/365.
If a Puerto Rico member is hospitalized in Puerto Rico for 5 days or longer, Global Medevac will pay for a round-trip ticket for a visitor of the hospitalized Member’s choice to come to Puerto Rico.
Global Medevac will pay up to $500.00 in travel expenses to a visitor while in Puerto Rico visiting a hospitalized Puerto Rico member.
Global Medevac will provide Medical Evacuation and Emergency Air Transportation, should the Member suffer a serious illness or injury, and is in need of specialized treatment not available locally.
Global Medevac will provide Emergency Helicopter Transportation should the Member suffer a serious illness or injury that requires medical treatment anywhere in the United States and Canada.
Global Medevac will provide Emergency Ground Ambulance Transportation from the Members home or the site of a serious illness or injury to the nearest appropriate Medical Facility.
Air transport will be provided if a Member is hospitalized away from home and the treating Physician determines it is feasible or medically necessary to transfer the Member to a Medical Facility nearer to the Member’s home to recuperate.
If the Member is hospitalized away from home and the attending Physician deems it medically appropriate, Global Medevac will provide a Paramedic to assist on a 1st class flight nearer Member’s home.
Global Medevac will provide Return Transportation after Medical Evacuation and Emergency Air Transportation or following In-Patient Medical Facility confinement while away from home.
When a Member is hospitalized away from home for more than five consecutive days, or at the discretion of Global Medevac, the Member may select any person to attend during the confinement. Global Medevac will provide round-trip coach fare for the person selected.
Should Member require Medical Evacuation and Emergency Air Transportation or Medical Repatriation, Global Medevac will provide transportation for your Spouse, family member, or companion to accompany you on the flight.
When Member’s Minor Grandchildren or Minor Great Grandchildren are left unattended as a result of your medical emergency, Global Medevac will provide air transportation for their return home.
Global Medevac will return a Member’s owned or rented vehicle, if left unattended as a result of a medical emergency requiring air transport, to the members home or rental agency.
Should a Member pass away while traveling, Global Medevac will provide transportation for the return of the Member’s remains.
Global Medevac will provide return transportation home for Member’s Spouse as a result of a medical emergency or death of a Spouse while away from home.
Global Medevac will provide air transportation of an organ to be used in an organ transplant procedure required by the Member.
Global Medevac will provide air transportation for the Member to the organ if necessary.
Global Medevac will return Member’s pet if left unattended as a result of Member’s medical emergency.
Coverage shall be extended to a worldwide basis provided that notice is received by Global Medevac in writing of the Member’s intent to travel outside the Basic Coverage Area at least 10 days prior to travel.
Global Medevac will provide transportation to Rehabilitation Centers, Skilled Nursing Centers, and to Hospice settings. Travel must be initiated from In-Patient Medical Facility care and must be ordered by the treating Physician or Medical Facility social worker.
Should Member’s Minor Grandchildren or Minor Great Grandchildren be in the care of the Member they will be provided emergent services.
In the event you require Emergency Services, Global Medevac will reimburse travel expenses of the Member or visitor, if applicable, for hotel, meals and public transportation up to $500.
Global Medevac will reimburse up to $250 per year per member for International Emergency Ground Ambulance transportation to the nearest Medical Facility.
Global Medevac will provide Air Transportation, should Member be terminally ill and admitted into a Medical Facility, from any location in the US to the Suitable Airport closer to Member’s home.